Lots going on!

Needs vs wants podcast with Sean

We did another podcast!

Sean Trace was nice enough to let me be on his podcast for a second time! He does a great job talking to people. He also has some videos he does with his daughter that are really good. Check out his YouTube channel!

We got to cover needs vs wants as well as a lot of good personal stories. It seems like a simple topic but there was a lot to cover and think about.

We’re also making an app!

We are working with a local app development company to create an app designed just for The Happy Giraffe Budget. It has been a really good experience so far. Our system is different enough that we haven’t found a good app that can do both the spreadsheet side AND the tracking side.

We are also excited to be able to reach people who don’t want to use spreadsheets. I love them, but I understand that isn’t our target market!

So far we have gotten through most of the design to show what the app will look like when it is done. It’s going to be amazing!

We’ve got a lot on social media!

Find us on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook! I post on there more often. You might notice that several of our videos on there involve me dancing with my daughter! She is amazing and brings me along for the ride.

You might wonder why we have videos of the two of us dancing. The short answer is because my daughter wanted to be involved so I said yes.

The longer answer is that we want to encourage you on your budgeting journey. We want you to keep going and be happy while budgeting. Of course some of our videos are designed to help teach about our specific budgeting system. But we also want to put videos out there that are encouraging, uplifting, and just happy! So we’re doing something that makes us happy and hopefully makes you happy too!

Wrapping it up

I’m so excited I got to talk with Sean Trace again. Check out all of his stuff. He is amazing.

We are really excited about creating an app for our budgeting system! It should be done around the middle of February. It will combine both the spreadsheet side and the tracking side. We’re working hard to keep it easy and simple to use.

We’ve got plans to do some great things here soon! So stick with us as we are figuring it out!

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