Budgeting Reinvented!

This isn’t your typical budget.
We’ve reimagined the whole process from the ground up. It’s a completely new budgeting method.

If You Have Failed At Budgeting Before…

Maybe it’s not your fault! Maybe you need a budgeting method made for you.

The Problem…

Almost every budgeting method you find is based on the same broken process that has been around forever. Whether it’s called zero-sum, envelope, 50/30/20, value based, needs vs wants, etc. It’s all the same basic concept. Changing the name or how you group categories doesn’t really fix anything. The underlying process needs an overhaul. A truly different budgeting method.

That’s where we come in

“After reading your book, I see it! I get it! And I’m excited to start our budget! I cannot begin to tell you how empowered I feel about our finances! I wish I had your book 30 years ago!”


Sue, Canada

“We are doing awesome with this new budget! I have been so impressed by how simple budgeting has become. No more categories or intense tracking! This will be my life-long method for budgeting from now on!”


Rene, Florida

Typical Budget

The Happy Giraffe Budget

Monthly fees for some

FREE to use!

Countless categories

One target

Look forward one month

Look forward 2 years!

Difficult to manage

Simple to live

Time consuming


No giraffes

Giraffes included!

Complex spreadsheets

Simple spreadsheet. Step by step directions.

Constantly updating spreadsheets

Once and you’re done!

Money needs to last a whole month

Take it one week at a time

Monthly reconciliation sessions

That sounds awful

Complicated, detailed tracking

Quick tracking with a clear purpose

Made for people who don’t LOVE spreadsheets. Simple step-by-step directions to create your budget one time and be done with it! No need to update it every month.

See Your New
2-Year Future

See every detail, day by day to give you a bigger perspective than you ever imagined! 

A Simple Weekly Allowance

One number to hit.
A short time frame.
No categories or guilt.
Spend however you want.

How Do I Get Started?

Our book on Amazon goes into all of the details of how to use the budgeting method and why it all works so well.

It’s available in print, Kindle eBook, and as an AudioBook. (If you have Kindle unlimited, it’s even free!)

Beside the book, there are other ways to learn more. The Learn, Live, Give format you’ll see on the site is organized to help you through the process of getting started.

  • Learn about the method
  • Live it by downloading the spreadsheet
  • Give back by donating and making it possible for us to reach more people like you.

*Did we also mention we are a nonprofit? Learning to budget shouldn’t cost a lot. So we made it as cheap as possible.

Is This Budgeting Method Really Different?

Absolutely! We’ve looked around a lot and haven’t found anything like this. It’s a completely different and unique budgeting method.

We don’t care about your past spending at all. The monthly list of activities that other budgets have is completely gone. Tracking is easier because we don’t care about categories.

Everything is simplified down to one goal, make sure you don’t spend more than you make. In doing that, it opens up a process that helps you find happiness, feel empowered, and creates a new relationship with your money.

This budgeting method works for people in many different financial and life situations. Even people who currently use a complicated monthly budget and do it well, have found more freedom and happiness by switching to The Happy Giraffe Budget. It’s an easy switch to try it out for yourself!